As 2013 begins, the Sun transits your 4th House of home, family and where you live, Libra. Additionally, Pluto continues its long transit of your 4th House of home, family, motherhood and the past as January opens. Pluto (slow but powerful change) also begins the year in your 4th House where it has been since 2008. You have noticed a powerful change in this area of your life, Libra. Your family dynamics, where you live, the past, motherhood and all things domestic are highlighted during this transit through your 4th House. It is important to stress that Pluto affects each of us on a different level but still retains the same impact. Bottom line: Your home life will continue to slowly but surely transform into a better and improved overall life with the right love. A soothing home environment and children and motherhood should transform in the lives of all Libras, single and coupled. Love wise, you tend to prefer long term relationships but in 2013, you strike out on your own if not entirely happy at home. If your partner does not keep the home fires burning, then Libra might decide to find someone who does. Expect these areas to slowly but surely change. When all is said and done, Libra will find a perfect home life but there are bound to be some obstacles along the way. Who ever said life was easy, Libra? And remember that we create our own lives. Astrology can be useful in knowing what to expect and working with those energies. ?Major change is in store in your home life. A move, marriage or divorce or having children are strong possibilities with this placement. Think back to 2008 and see how your home life has changed. What?HAS changed, Libra?
Uranus (Surprises) opens the year in your 7th House of marriage, divorce and open enemies. Expect the unexpected when it comes to seeing things you never saw coming in these areas of your life. This planet represents a shock to your system. You could learn secrets about marriage, someone else's marriage or someone close to you could be keeping secrets from you or telling your secrets behind your back. Not to worry, Libra, as you will learn everything you need to know about the culprit. Where you have been stuck in a rut, this planet comes in to shake you up. If you're not in a rut, you might get a serious wake up call when it comes to your personal and professional life. This is not the time to bury your head in the sand when it comes to unexpected news, whether this news pertains to you or someone you're close with. Expect an element of surprise when it comes to all properties of the 7th House and realize that partnerships come to your direct attention in surprising ways. Expect?NEW friends and new experiences to come out of nowhere where business and personal relationships are involved.
Saturn (Lessons/Structures) is in your 2nd House and you find yourself concerned with collecting valuables and acquiring more money. There could be offers to earn more income during this transit, Libra. You could change your home life during this time and if you're single, a marriage proposal is a strong possibility. Libra finds 2013 to be a year when financial offers present themselves and escalate with Saturn in your 2nd House. Those Libras who have taken short cuts or the easy way out regarding finances can expect to learn some valuable lessons. Those Libras who have worked hard will reap the greatest benefits. The cardinal rule is always at work in your life, Libra. This applies to everyone but you will benefit by adhering to the laws of the physical universe. If you have been honest, hard working and forthright, then expect 2013 to be an important year for finances and will present new offers to make more money. Take all offers you receive ultra seriously as you can make a fortune with Saturn in the 2nd House. It's all related to your past actions leading up to now.
Your best times for love are when Venus travels through your sign or travels through another air sign such as Gemini or Aquarius. For you, Libra, the times listed below are excellent for love and serious relationships in 2013:
Copyright ? 2012 Elizabeth Ellis?
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